great little speakers

I'm looking for speakers with a cohorent, smooth, not over- analytical sound that played well in a small room.
So far, the best speaker I've heard is the dynaudio
audience 42.
I also consider the totem mite but haven't heard them yet.
Any other considerations?
Well Geoh, you haven't heard the Caravelles, obviously. I sold my M20s for these babies. Owned and loved the M20s for a year and a half. The M20s cannot go one round with the (ok, maybe a round) Caravelles. Not even close. The Caravelles are in a whole other league. While I haven't heard the Revel, Gems, I've got it first hand from a Gem owner, that the Caravelle prototypes rivaled his Gems. And that was the Caravelle proto. Can you imagine these? More to come when I've lived with them a bit longer. Two more weeks to settle in and go through my tunes a bit, and then I'll be able to write something to convey my experiences, hopefully, more cogently. . peace, warren
Distortion, you're a gentleman and a scholar; and there's not many of us left. I appreciate the apology. No hard feelings..peace, warren
willy, check out the Kinima G1s that are up for auction. Read the description about them, it is accurate. I have a pair with Audio Aero Prima amp and cdp. Great combination in my 11 x 12 room.
Warrenh I was thinking of using these speakers in a built in wall unit. maybe using a used Denon AV . I just bought a Pioneer 4340 plasma. I have a seperate Audio system. If you went to the CES show I would like to here your comment on two systems that were there. MBL and Von Gaylord formely Lend Audio Design. Thanks HTsteve
Wasn't at the show. The Caravelles will not work in a wall unit. They deserve (are designed to) to be on the dedicated stands that come with them. These speakers were designed with the principles of resonance transferrence from the cabinet to the crossover integrated right down to the stands. You can read the white paper on their website about resonance transferrence. If you can find a place for the stands in your system, you will be one happy camper. The Caravelles go where NO monitor has gone, and then some. They, just, keep on getting better. Another week, or so, I'll do a review. I was listening, last night, to Chick Corea's Now He Sings, Now He Sobs. Must have listened to this (one of my favorites) album a zillion times. I'm always amazed at the complexity of some of the pieces. EVERY instrument was happening: this is one VERY fast speaker. Also, I believe that my electronics, for the first time, are fully appreciated (through the Caravelles) for their greatness. More to come. peace, warren