Active studio monitors. Nobody has them. Why?

I'm referring to mainly GENELEC studio monitors, the world leader in today's recording studios. I don't see anything here about them. Why?

They're good enough for 80 to 90 percent of the world's top/major studios yet not good enough for us audiophiles? Do recording engineers/musicians and audiophiles have THAT varying degree of tastes? Why do you think?

After all, these are what the artists and engineers choose to CREATE the music as a reference. I would think they'd want us to hear their artistic INTENT? So why the huge gap between the music creators and the listeners?

Please help answer this burning question.

Thank you.
A few reasons -- not an exhaustive list:
* Genelecs response curve designed for mastering, not for musical enjoyment
* Nearfield or sattelite application
* For full-range operation most models need equivalent, matching bass+low bass spkrs
* Active: many audiophiles prefer passive, most home spkrs sold are passive

Overall, "mastering" a recording is NOT identical to listening to the end product (i.e. the music s/ware we use at home). So the "tools" including speakers, are designed differently. For the sake of it, one exception may be the Griffin speakers (
Don't forget, that as audiophiles, this is a hobby. One that we all like to explore. It's tough to switch out amplifiers when your speakers are active...
Many studios mix with B&W, Acoustic Energy, Celestion, ATC, and Roy at Green Mountain said that there's been a great studio demand for their Europa speakers, so I think it's a stretch to say 90% of studios master with genelecs.
Absolute Sound reviewed a pair of the more expensive (with ribbon tweeter if I remember correctly) Genelec speakers some time ago and thought they were wonderful. They too asked why such speakers are not used more often by audiophiles.