PSB Synchrony line discontinued??

An unscientific sampling of the web suggests that the Synchrony Two was discontinued several months ago (see, for example, Crutchfield), that the dark cherry version of the Synchrony One is no longer in stock, and that the black ash model is in short supply.

Given that the Synchrony line was introduced in the fall of 2007, it's more than plausible that seven years later it could be being retired, revised or replaced, though it seems the process has been a slow or staggered one (perhaps not to undercut too severely remaining stocks).

Does anyone have info. on PSB's plans, expected roll-outs for the fall, etc.? Will there be a new flagship line?
The Imagine T2 Tower is newly released for the same price as the Synchrony Two and seems to have replaced it. It's a similar design, but includes a dedicated midrange driver which the Synchrony lacked.
The Synchrony One also has the midrange driver.
"In the medium term I'm thinking of downsizing the Cary and the two-chassis SF pre-amp to a hybrid integrated (possibly the Rogue Pharaoh) and was thinking the extra power would permit a different speaker with those last few Hz on the lower end that I've been hankering for for a while."

You should be able to take care of that with an amp upgrade. You are only going to get so much out of a 15 watt amp. Here's a list of some amps that I've heard the 2.5's on with excellent results.

Quicksilver V4, ARC VT100, Pass Aleph 0's, Rowland 10, 12, 112, Anything Ayre (Current production), Bat tube and ss. VAC 30/30
I've heard quite top notch Synchrony demos in recent years, results that I could easily live with, but not any newer models.

I'd be curious in what direction the newer similar models might go and if they continue to stack up well in terms of value with the competition.
"The Imagine T2 Tower is newly released for the same price as the Synchrony Two and seems to have replaced it. It's a similar design, but includes a dedicated midrange driver which the Synchrony lacked.
The Synchrony One also has the midrange driver."

Thanks for the input. I'm beginning to see the situation a little differently.

I found on another forum (a dedicated PSB thread) complaints about some models only being available henceforth in the black ash and not the dark cherry.

Also, when you look at PSB's website, "tower speakers" are listed in a single column as Synchrony One, Imagine T2, Imagine T, etc. Clearly, then, the T2 ($3950) has replaced the Synchrony Two ($3500), and the T2's speaker array comes closer to the Synchrony One's. For the moment, though, the Synchrony One is still the flagship model, and I wouldn't be surprised eventually to see a new top-of-the-line Imagine T model (T1? T3?), though it's hard to gauge whether this might be in the short or medium term.
If you have a large enough listening room, the Synch One is the speaker to get. Deep bass, lush sounding with a huge soundstage. Any shops near you to audition PSB?

BTW, a shop near me lists the T2 at $3500. And it will be interesting to see if there is a change to the top tier of spkrs.