Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.

I have read all the posts and find it amazing that some of the well reviewed preamps where sold for the AH 2.0/2.1.

I was hoping for a response for some resent "new owners" that have sold their preamps to move over to AH.


When I bought the GG Rev. off you you stated to me that you were upgrading to the Rapture. Sales pitch? =8^)
For Glory's benefit here is my "B list" of pre amps that fell in the wake of the AH.
Cary 98L
Aesthetix Calypso
Supratek Syrah
Lamm LL2
Have a good week everyone.

Well since you are curious, I replaced the GG with the Grover Hoffman and my favorite the Acrotec . I am working on upgrading in other areas of my system right now. The GG are my "reference" cables no doubt the best I have ever had. They are sorely missed.

Right now I am very excited about the Red Wine Audio amplifier combo with the AH.
This thread has drawn me to consider this preamp. I currently use my Transporters volume control straight to my Nuforce 9 SEV2's. Now I'm thinking if sending my TP to Modwright for the tube output stage and trying the AH 2.1.
I was thinking about the Modwright 36.5, Parasound JC-2 or the Antique Sound Labs Flora. I wonder what the advantages\disadvantages are between these fore mentioned pre's? I was hopeful for HT bypass but it seems these manufacturer's bypassed that option - no pun intended.
The Audio Horizons TP 2.0 sounds heavenly with the NuForce 9 V2 SE's.

I already heard a modded, tubed Transporter into the same amps and was not nearly as impressed.