Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

scroll down the page to you get to the lafleur speakers you will see the liquid cables mentioned there and they are still in business this was at the 2009 CES show in Montreal in april
Maverick, I did find the reference and found TEO Liquid Cables. They seem no different from Cerious Technology cables as both use a liquid conductor.
Norm (Tbg), it's true that both use liquid conductors, but that's where the similarity ends. Cerious uses ceramic material, whereas Teo Audio uses a proprietary alloy of gallium, indium, and tin which was initially developed as a relatively safe substitute for liquid mercury.
Essentialaudio, so I learned from an email from Cerious Tech. They say the Teo Audio mix is toxic.
Tbg, contact cleaner is toxic. So are a lot of things around the house. What is the point of the remark?