Krell Showcase or Theta Intrepid amp ?

Hi, I am looking for a 5 channel amp for my revel m22 and c32's, looking for opinions on these 2 amps or alternatives , thanks
I have had the Theta Intrepid amp. It is not in the same league as other amps from Theta. In my opinion it is slow, lacks dynamics and power and is not very transparent or resolved. Finally, I replaced my Intrepid with a Cary Cinema 5 and was shocked by the big improvement. The Cary Cinema 5 is a bargain. I have Aerial speakers.
I would definitely take the Intrepid over the Showcase. The Intrepid is very musical, as well as being excellent for home theater. I could see why they'd have trouble driving Aerials, they require quite a bit of juice in my experience. But the Intrepid should drive the Revels just fine.
If what Cappuccino says is accurate about the Intrepid not being in the same league as the other Theta Amps, I'm now going to have to get me one of them big boys to replace my Intrepid. I match the Theta Intrepid, with the Theta Casanova running Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers. What pleases me most about the Intrepid is that when I run it in 2 channel stereo, it absolutely blows me away. I gave up a Krell KRS preamp and Class A Krebschull tube mono blocks for a surround system, and have never looked back. One thing I really like about the Intrepid is that no matter how hard you drive it, the Intrepid runs only warm to the touch. That may not be the case with the Krell. Since all the Theta Amps look-a-like, maybe I'll be able to slip one of the Theta big boys into my system without my wife even knowing.