whats the best addition u have bought for system

just wondering what u added that really made a difference. i have low end stuff but im learning. pioneer elite 39tx reciever, psb stratus golds. tara interconnects wireworld atlantis bi wires, so basically i have a cdp, reciever and speakers. what would be your next move im thinkin some kinda amp, conditioner, new speaker wires; obviously im confused and learning. thanks alot kevin
In terms of something that can in general add the most to essentially any system, a DBX 3bx Dynamic Range Enhancer/processor.
My major upgrades were Torus power isolation component and
Bryston BCD-1.The Torus makes a HUGE difference and they have different models to hopefully suit your budget.
A Running Springs Haley or any of their conditioners will be easilty noticed.
Sorry guys,I misread the word audition,I think the best
addition is my ref4 DCCA power cord.It brought all the
music out of my system.