What is the best tube preamp currently available?

Folks - It seems my Golden Tube Audio SEP-3 is finally dead and no support or schematics is available in the entire industry. I am forced to consider a new preamp. I am spoiled with its wonderful tube quality and thought you folks would be the perfect forum to start this research for the perfect replacement. I am primarily stereo based, but would consider an A/V tube preamp, if within my budget. I look forward to your recommendations.
Thanks in advance! - Bill
This is an old thread. Since it was refreshed... my vote goes to the Doshi Alaap. I notice that Nick (Doshi) will be at RMAF. Sadly, I can not attend to meet him and thank him for my/his excellent Preamp.
The best pre-amp under $2,000 is the Doge 8 and the Doge 8 Clarity available from Pacific Valve. They even have a very good phono stage.

The Coincident Technology Line Stage at $5,000 is outstanding. The only shortfall is that it only has 2 inputs, causing one to re-think their front end, or switch cables. But if you buy it with their outstanding phono stage at $5,500, it also has an extra input.

Possibly the best is the Audion Quattro at $15,000 and it comes with an excellent phono stage.

The Einstein The Tube Mark II at around $18,000 is also an outstanding piece.

Audio Research Reference Anniversary preamp is the one I liked . " Is it the best ? " is there someone thats heard them all that can say .