Jadis DA30: fuse keeps blowing

Since 8 months I own a 2nd hand Jadis integrated class A tube amplifier. It has worked fine until recently, when the left channel stopped playing, some 60 seconds after power-up. I opened the case, checked for any blown/ destroyed/ burned component, but the only thing blown was the left channel fuse. This I replaced and all was well again. Unfortunately, a few days later the left channel fuse blew again, within 60 seconds after power-up...

I have switched all the tube pairs (left pair to right and vice versa), but the left channel fuse keeps blowing, ruling out a faulty tube. Please note that after replacing the fuse, the amp is playing fine, but after some on/off cycles the fuse pops within a minute after power-up.

Has anyone experienced a similarly vague problem with a (Jadis) tube amp? What could be causing this?

Thanks for your assistance! Bernhard
I still have not heard from Pierre Gabriel after about a dozen phone calls and emails. I am very surprised and very disillusioned about Jadis support.
I am trying to get a recommendation for a Jadis service tech in the Chicago area. I did get a fine recommendation for a Jadis service tech in California, but I am hoping to find someone local.
I could fix your DA30, and can do it at low cost.

However, if it needs a new output transformer, I'm not sure how we would go about sourcing one, as Pierre Gabriel may need to be involved due to it needing to come directly from Jadis.
Pierre Gabriel wont respond to your service request..I tried for over 2 years and never got anywhere...Jadis has a very poor customer service..