Is using a X.1 AV receiver just for stereo bad?

Hello all:

I was wondering if anyone had had luck using a 5.1 or 7.1 AV receiver *just* for two channel stereo?

The values seem to be so much better for HTR, is there a reason not to get a unit like that and only use a fraction of its capabilities since it's cheaper than a S-channel integrated?

Loomisjohnson: Do you know what kind of amps B&K and Arcam use? I'm guessing SS A/B in the amp stage, and who knows what in the pre-amp stage.
i'm not a techie, but looks like depending on model they use class a or a/b designs; b&k appears to use class d on some separate amps. the more i read, the more i'm impressed with their engineering--these mfrs. absolutely blow away the asian crap in terms of design and build quality.
Loomisjohnson: Thank you for your info. Based on my hearing comparison of a $50 class-d implementation (almost certainly made in China) with a $2000 class-d implementation (ICE) I see NO advantage to the more expensive one, except for W, which I do need. Whatever wonders you feel they are working in design and build quality, and I have no doubt there are many, do not seem to impact sound, at least to me. Class-d is class-d, and even more specifically, ICE is ICE. If someone has a blind ABX between ICE implementations I would be very curious.

I am interested in hearing what class A and AB can offer, as well as tubes of course, both in pre-amp and amp stage.

Again, thanks for your help!