Need more inputs in preamp, what to use?

I am out of imputs in my preamp. Is there a switch box or some such that I could use to add more? I am adding a DAC and computer server.
Looking for a high quality version of course.
My DAC is a Benchmark DAC1 USB. Just got it yesterday. The Krell KCT has a: CD player, tuner, phono, tape, DirecTV & a VCR/DVD combo attached. I am flush outa' inputs except for 2ea CAST which I can't use.
I can run the Sony 333es through the DAC but then no SACD's.
Any more ideas? I am very open minded...
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I'd play some discs through your Benchmark before deciding that you need to keep the the Sony hooked up just for its playback of SACD. It is possible that Redbook playback through your Benchmark will be good enough or superior to the Sony decoding SACD on its own, despite the data density difference. If there are titles on single layer SACD that you need to hear, then this option would, of course, be moot.