Bi-amp at 140 watt each, or single 200 watt?

Okay, so I got the Mirage OMD-28s (6 ohm), and they are fantastic. Except that they really need more power. I am currently bi-amping them through my Marantz SR7001, and it just isn't enough power at 110 watts for each amp. It was ample for the OMD-15...but not these big boys.

I was thinking about getting the new AV Separates from Marantz, which would allow me to run 140 watts from separate, discrete, amps. But seeing as that is only 30 watts more than what I have now...I'm not sure if that is the best route. are my questions. If I'm bi-ampng 140 watts, does that equal a 280 watt single amp? Which is better...two 140 watt amps in a bi-amp configuration, or single 200 watts?

Thanks in advance for any help or input. :-)
Bi-amping is NOT additive. It's the same power to different drivers.

A single stereo amp will be a better value (without overdue attention to nearly meaningless power ratings) at the same price, or probably much less, than two bi-amped.

This coming from a guy with 3 amps.
" ...I think I need more headroom. "

Well, if you need more headroom then don;t look at higher continius (rms) power. Search amplifiers with highest PEAK POWER (current, voltage and their duration at given distortion level) you can afford.
unless you know for sure that your speakers are optimized for passive biamping, you'd be better off putting all of your money in one amp. The speaker mfg may be able to offer a suggestion here.
Okay, so that is what I was wondering. So, if I get this right...2 amps at 140 is still just 140. So in reality, I would be better off with a single 200 watt amp.

The speaker manual says they are designed for bi or tri-wiring, and they recommend it for improved sound. I will have to research the peak power, current and voltage for the amps I'm looking at. It also looks like I have more research to do.

REALLY appreciate all the input! Super helpful for a newbie audiophile.