Integrateds with DAC?

Contemplating a modest office system and looking for a "one box solution" integrated/DAC to run off a MAC. Speakers likely to be not-terribly-efficient monitors or mini-towers, but room pretty small (10x14x8h), and I won't be going loud, so power not at a premium.

I'm aware of the Bel Cantos (perhaps a little dear) and the Peachtrees (perhaps a little unreliable?), but curious as to what else is out there.


The newer version of the Musical Fidelity A1 integrated has a built-in USB DAC and a phone section. It is a relatively low power class-A amp, but it was fine in my similarly sized room with several different speakers.
Bel Canto C5i is absolutely great. It puts out 120w of clean power into 4 ohms, so I think that should work. I have seen a couple go on here for $1600 used, it's really a great piece of gear.
I've heard the Peachtrees several times, including in high end audio demos. One such was an iPod Nano into the Peachtree, using the pre-outs to bi-amp some Maggies. Sound was fabulous and it showed off just how good both the DAC and line stage are in the Peachtree. For your purposes the bult-in power stage would be plenty as well. Plus some of the current models can dock an iPod for a direct digital feed to their built-in DAC.

Have you considered the idea of some powered speakers (e.g., AudioEngine A5) and the Benchmark DAC-1 PRE?
If you're only using digital sources, the Emotiva XDA-1 looks interesting on paper. Not digital volume control, digitally controlled volume. And it has blue lights ;)
I have the Bryston B100 with dac in my office setup with my macbook pro. Really hard to beat the sound. Lots of power
