Spectron Musician III MK.2 or Audio Research DS450

Has anyone listened to the new Audio Research DS450M mono blocks or the DS 450 stereo Class D amp's and compared them to the Spectron Musician III MK.2?..

When high end emporiums were accessible, it was possible to audition the latest technology. Now we have to learn as much as possible from discussions. In this case, I consider ALL discussion valid, including those who have never heard a Class "D" amp.

I swallowed the SS hype "hook line and sinker". I spent many years bragging about how much better the specs on my SS was as compared to those noisy expensive "tubes". It was not until my SS went "belly up", and I decided to discover why those "morons" were spending so much money on tubes. Score one for the morons, none for the genius.

No way will I repeat with Class "D", and at the same time I'll have to buy one in order to hear it. That creates a dilemma for this audiophile, and that's why I want Class "D" discussed until the cows come home; plus someone with that amp had a tweeter to blow. Now I've known amps to blow woofers, but never a tweeter because the crossover caps protect it.

Continue the discussion, the cows are in no hurry to come home.
Orpheus, I think part of the way out of your dillema is the audio club. Lots of people owning different stuff. you'll see what does or doesn't work in a short while.
I recently went to THE Show in Newport Beach ca. What an eye opener. While I am a SS guy, the tube stuff simply blew me away. If I had deep pockets, I'd be tempted.
I haven't heard the Spectron, but loved the ds450 stereo, on many speakers. Great control for those that need it, loads of current. Takes a long time to break in... Do not judge it new out of the box.
Been told by industry folks that using it with magnepans was the first time they got good bass out of those speakers-- for what that's worth.
For me, I'd go the old school route and use it with a tube preamp, ie arc ls27. Then it gives you everything you could want.
A great product, just use it correctly.
>>11-11-11: Orpheus10
Score one for the morons, none for the genius.<<


Score one for the geniuses, none for the moron.

Hope that helps.
Hi this is in response to Magfan, first like you i love Maggies & all full range panels, my dislike of class D amplification was due to the FACT that i had not heard any that i liked until a few weeks ago, a friend invited me to listend to an amp that he had built, it was an Hypex N core NC-400 & SMPS-600,this one realy sounded good and i have the intention of having a pair of mono blocks built, that's how much i liked it, i'm no fool when it sounds good it sounds good no matter what the Class - tubes or solid state.