is lamm 1.2 enough for sasha

hi i am on yhe market for a new system and my new speakers will be wilson sasha ,and i was woudering if the lamm 1.2 were enough or should i go with the 2.2

Georgelofi is absolutely right. Even Vladimir himself does not recommend any of his tube amps with the Sasha for the aforementioned reasons. He recommend his hybrid offerings instead.
Yes - the Lamm Ref 1.2 works quite nicely with the Sasha.

With its switch set for lower impedances the amp delivers 220 Watts into 2 Ohms and 400 Watts into 1 Ohm. On the higher impedance setting (which you probably would not choose for the Sasha, although you can) the M1.2 Ref yields 220 Watts into 4 Ohms, 400 Watts into 2 and 600 Watts into 1 Ohm. That’s all per the specs. Mr. Lamm acknowledges the M1.2 Ref is capable of delivering 770 Watts of power into a 1 Ohm load and he’ll tell you that not only can you use the amp as an arc welder, it will drive any speaker on the market.
The Lamm 1.2 in "1–6 ohms" operation will work quite nicely with the Saha's and sound good and an owner maybe quite happy, but they are still Mosfet, and they just don't do current like a BJT (bi-polar) transistor can.

To get the absoulte best out of the Sasha, a big amp like the 1.2 needed, but one that delivers big current, this means one that uses BJT (bi-polar) output devices should be used.

Cheers George