Mark Levinson 532H

Could anyone give any comments on this amp? Just think to buy it to match my 326s? tks
I had a 432, the predecessor to the 532H. I tried it with a 326 and did not like the results. The 432 has a somewhat laid back sound and coupled with the 326, it was just too laid back. It was just too mellow in my system. Admittedly I have Sonus Faber Cremona which themselves are somewhat laid back. So, for me the 326 and 432 combination just was not vibrant enough. I ended up with a Classe pre-amp, which has now been changed to a Cary SLP-05. I have not tried the same test with a 532H, but you should at least consider how laid back you want the system. From P59teitel's comments, it sounds like the 532H may be similar to the 432 in sound.
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Dickey1, you posted on another thread that you are using monitors in a 100 s.f. room. Wouldn't a 532H or similar high-wattage amp be overkill for you?

Just wondering if you'd get better results by spending the same amount on less-powerful but more refined gear, say maybe Class A instead of A/B.