NAD 375 or NAIM 5i or NAIM Unite Qute

I inherited the following system:

Arcam alpha 7se CD player

harmon kardon AVR 120

b&w 303 bookshelves

monster power conditioner

It was an HUGE upgrade to what I was using before. Its been a joy listening to music again and exploring the new details and such. It's been 7 months and I've been thinking about where else I can take the sound. It's been fun to learn more about the hobby.

After researching and visiting local audio shops it's become clear that the HK is the weak link. I really only want a 2 channel system. No radio. I'm looking for advice and thoughts on amps. I'm thinking an integrated amp. Although I've never heard tube. These are the two amps I'm looking at now:

NAD 375 (new, $1200 + 13% tax)

Naim Nait 5i (used $850)

Considering Unite Qute

I want to get more out of my b&w's but I'm sure I'll want to upgrade speakers in the next year or two. So I want to be prepared for that with my next amp purchase.

A couple of other things that I've been thinking about is the whole tube option and whether I even want to go down that route. From what I've read it's a warmer sound , which sounds interesting to me. But more money and maybe more maintenance.

Secondly, high res music. I don't currently own any but wow I heard it at one of the shops and I know I'll want to get into that. Should I be considering that in my amp purchase?


My music tastes - from Zeppelin to Elvis, vocals, acoustic, soul, blues, classical , hip hop.

Interested in live sound, 3d imaging sound stage, non fatiguing , joy of listening, soul moving.

Thanks in advance!!
I don't get the NAIM thing. I want too though. I know they have a loyal following and have been critically reviewed but like another poster above, you don't seem to get a lot for your money.

For value, the NAD 375 offers the most. It is Stereophile Class B rated and almost made Class A. If that means anything. This is also an amp you can comfortably drive the B&W's with, or any other speakers you may get some day. I also like the Creek 5350. Finally, I would also recommend a hard look at the Marantz PM8004. At only 1K list, this is an outstanding high current integrated not afraid to list meaningful specs - 70 wpc/8 ohm, 100 wpc/4 ohm, >25 amps per channel peak current, >100 dampng factor. I have heard his amp with some very high end speakers (up to 8 times the cost of the Marantz) and it is truly impressive for the money. Hope this helps.
Thanks Paraneer. I just realized that I can't connect my Apple TV to any of these amps. That being said, what do you think of the NAD 356EEE DAC? Although it only does 24/96 res files. It could be good for me for now and I can upgrade the DAC in the future.

Should I stick with value/convenience, or am I going to get more enjoyment sonically from the Rega Brio-R or Bryston b60?

I would say my sonic preferences are in instrument separation, clarity, Sounstage/imaging. At least as far as I can tell as a newbie.
No problem Deetothevee. Yeah, I think the NAD 356 BEE DAC would be a good option. Sonically it will hold its own against the Rega and even the Bryston. So don't think your giving up any sonic performance for the value/convenience of the NAD. They are very musical amplifiers. This could be the best solution for you considering the speakers you have. And the NAD would stand ready to adequately power any other sepaker you might upgrade to later. NAD's are all 4 Ohm rated.

The sonic preferences you indicate in your last paragraph would most likely be realized by an upgrade in speakers, not amp. Good luck in your decision and have fun listening.
Thanks Paraneer!! If I was to get a more affordable DAC such as the Audioengine D1 paired with the Brio-r, how would that compare with the NAD 356 DAC?

Or maybe the question is how does the NAD DAC compare to the Audioengine?
Can't really answer that. I don't get hung up on DAC's too much - guess I am old school because the power & build quality of an amp that translates into its sound qualities is what comes first in my book. I have a 2 channel system embedded in my Home Theater system thanks to an HT bypass feature on my 2 channel pre-amp. I rely on my AVR that acts as my processor for any DAC needs. I believe it has Wolfson WM8740's - pretty decent ones from what I can gather. The NAD has a highly regarded Burr Brown PCM1796. Very good also.

Since I consider good robust amplification to come first, I still like the NAD. It produces 80 wpc and weighs 19 lbs plus. The Rega produces 50 wpc at about 13.5 lbs. Also, the NAD is more of a conventional design both in size and control while the Rega is more minimalist in appearance and control. Again, these are my preferences and not meant to knock the Rega but its small width would bug me aesthetically. I just think the NAD is a more powerful amp and this should be the first thing when considering an amplifier - does it produce more power than you need right now and just as important - will it produce enough power for your future needs when you upgrade. The NAD stands ready to grow with your system.

Hope you get other opinions so you can make the best decision possible.