Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
I wanted to share that my info has come from personal E-mails from Tara labs, and of course their web-site, I have had a long personal relationship with Tara Labs, no I do not work for them, no, I am not a dealer, though that would be good, however, in my exsperience, Tara labs is the forefront of all cable design, magnetic condution is fair, only takes you to a place that is an illusion of this is it, when anyone can afford to get to best available, then this is the one stop shop, the science behind what I have personally listened to is mind blowing, do I have such cables, LOL!, No, however, I do own some very good Tara cables that sit 3rd in the model line up, all this is sytem dependent, but tara labs web-site provides a server sytem that provides a match, atleast a very good choice on given equipment, and an answer to what cables one may need, may not be exactly accurate, but this is far and away better than any other company out there, no one does this on a web-site any where, cheers to all, I have enjoyed all that I have done here!
This is a free service offered by Tara Labs, the down load is free off the Tara Labs web-site, this is a burn-in disc that is alot better burn-in disc than most can buy at any cost, to celebrate a mile stone of this thread, to all readers, thankyou,this down load is for all of you, enjoy. The Cascade Noise / Burn in disc

Although there have been other “burn-in” test discs used by audiophiles in the past, the discs have mostly been a mix of pink noise and sweep test tones. The new CASCADE noise burn-in disc is a proprietary combination of white noise with frequency tone bursts and pink noise mixed at different levels. However, what makes it really effective is a series of descending and ascending (cascading) multi-octave square sweeps for better and more complete results than any other “burn-in” discs that have been made to date. The CASCADE noise burn-in disc may be used with audio electronic component and with audio cable including cables with attachments such as batteries or filter networks. Before and after results will be obvious with any of these cables.

The phenomenon commonly referred to as “burn-in” is confusing to some people. We prefer to think of the phenomenon as the conditioning of the system with continued use. The phenomenon of burn-in is actually a polarization of effects on a microscopic level. This microscopic world might be as little as a few thousandths of an inch along the length of the conductors within a cable; the thickness of one to three sheets of paper. At this level one can visualize the subtle electromagnetic waves around a conductive wire. These waves are moving through the dielectric (primary insulation) around the conductor. There is a problem at this microscopic level; not all frequencies carried by the electromagnetic waves will pass at the same attitude at every point of the conductive wire. For example, at some point along the conductor, there might be a tiny point of oxidation, and this will limit the range of high frequencies that can pass easily between the same amplitude, perhaps turning AC into DC and creating random audible noise in the cable. At other points, imagine air-gaps between the conductor and the insulation near the conductor surface. These tiny differences cause changes with respect to the different frequencies that are “stored and released” from conductor to dielectric and back again.

The new CASCADE noise burn-in disc is designed to completely condition the capacitive and diode-like effects within audio components and audio cables. The result is a more coherent and extended high frequency reproduction without the glare, along with a sense of listening experience. This will be noticed after just a few hours of using the CASCADE noise burn-in disc. Continued use of the disc, just a few hours at a time, or when you are able to run your audio system at normal listening levels for many hours at a time, will be extremely beneficial in improving the performance of all audio cables and components.
Controlled & Extended Bandwidth Info

If you could improve the sound of your audio system, what would that be? Expansive soundstage? High-frequency detail? Less glare? Warmth & richness?

TARA Labs cables are the perfect match for any audio system, regardless of the combination or complexity of the components you have. If your "sound" needs more detail, more air, expansive soundstage, or if you feel there is too much high-frequency glare, or your sound lacks warmth? Our new Controlled Bandwidth and Extended Bandwidth cables will not only upgrade your sound, but will also enable you to have the perfect relationship between component and cable.
Controlled Bandwidth & Extended Bandwidth Information

TARA Labs is known as one of the worlds' leading manufacturer of high-end audio cables. Currently the business model employed by the company has been one of both technological innovation and design. This ideology has enabled TARA Labs to remain at the cutting edge of the high-end audio industry. With an eye towards continual manufacturing advancements being made in audio components such as speakers and amplifiers, TARA Labs continues to lead the industry in developing new cutting-edge technologies. Our latest research and development has enabled us to create new reference grade audio cables that work extremely well with many of the newly developed materials used in speakers such as Beryllium, Titanium, Kevlar, and Ceramics in addition to standards such as carbon-fiber, fabrics, polypropylene, paper, etc.
TARA Labs are categorized into two lines: Controlled Bandwidth and Extended Bandwidth. These two categories offer a wide range of reference-grade cables that will enable the audiophile to accommodate and upgrade the majority of the high-end audio components available today.
Controlled Bandwidth

The ISM™ OnBoard Series of cables employs the Controlled Bandwidth technology from TARA Labs. The ISM™ OnBoard Series presents a range of cables with more presence, mid-range warmth and richness without sacrificing detail and high frequency extension.
A common misconception is that the words warmer and richer may indicate a sound with smearing or coloration of the upper bass through mid-range frequencies. This is not the case with any of TARA Labs' cables. The sort of smooth or rolled-off sound is found most often with cables that employ filtering such as inductors and resistors found in network filter box designs. By contrast, the sonic signature of a TARA Labs cable is one that is more coherent and natural. The sound is often described as being lifelike with bloom and body.
The ISM™ OnBoard Series of cables is especially recommended for systems that have wide-bandwidth electronics (with limited filtering*), or with systems that use loudspeakers that have a tonal balance that emphasizes the high frequencies. In general the ISM™ OnBoard Series (Controlled Bandwidth) is recommended for systems that are slightly etched sounding or overly detailed, perhaps with a sense of glare.
*Higher frequencies in the RF bandwidth, or Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) can be picked up easily by longer lengths of interconnect cables, especially those with low Capacitance. Connecting this type of cable (especially single-ended) between high-powered solid state amplification can sometimes be a problem with components having limited filtering.
Controlled Bandwidth - Onboard Capsule

The ISM™ OnBoard concept is unlike traditional shielding methods or filter networks. Even complex shielding methods still remain in proximity to the conductors, thereby distorting the audio signal. Filter networks in boxes at the ends of the cables often contain low quality resistors, inductors and capacitors to perform the filtering. These reduce RFI/EMI in the cable itself by being soldered in series and parallel between the signal conductors. This alters the integrity of the signal, in particular, the higher order harmonic structure of the music.

In the ISM™ OnBoard system, RFI/EMI is dissipated and absorbed within the OnBoard capsule. This function occurs in isolation from the signal conductors.

The signal path is not cut and fitted with additional components. The OnBoard capsule is effective in eliminating the noise of RFI/EMI without the attendant high-frequency anomalies of filter networks
Extended Bandwidth

What this means is that the cable design employs a cable construction that takes advantage of the electrical characteristics such as Capacitance and Inductance. For example, we can reduce the Inductance in a simple conductor by changing its size, and in the case of a Rectangular Solid Core(R) the shape of the conductor can reduce the Inductance in the conductor. By reducing the Capacitance value in an Interconnect cable, we can extend the high frequency detail. These factors, including reducing the dielectric construction in a cable will make the cable sound more open and neutral.
The Extended Bandwidth Series of cables is recommended for most audio systems. A very good example of the EX cable design philosophy is the Air Series of cables from TARA Labs. In most systems, the Extended Bandwidth cables deliver a sound that is more revealing, open, neutral and transparent.
Most audio electronics use filtering and do not amplify extremely high frequencies such as RF/EMI. The best loud-speaker systems are generally phase coherent and do not sound forward or overly harsh, or even bright. However there are some combinations of audio electronics and loudspeakers that create strain or glare in the sound.
Extended Bandwidth – w/HFX Floating Ground Station

The HFX Floating Ground Station is an extraordinary component that is included with all reference Extended bandwidth interconnect cables. TARA Labs proprietary ground station is made of mil-spec aluminum alloy. Our specific metallurgical properties allow for the reduction of RF and electromechanical resonance; EMI/RFI. It's 18.23% heavier and stronger than aircraft-grade stock. Equipped within the HFX station is a patented ceramic composite of metallic oxides and an amalgam of mineral elements in a ceramic binder called "Ceralex." Because the HFX functions completely outside of the signal path, its ability to dissipate and eliminate the effects of EMI/ RFI (Electromagnetic interference & Radio frequency interference) which also includes sonic distortion, noise, "snow", and lack of image clarity. The appearance of the HFX station is one of beauty and elegance, in addition to its superb performance.
This is a new model of Tara Labs speaker cables, all new to the model line up, The 0.3, The 0.3 - 8ft/2.4m

The 0.3 Speaker Cable is a state-of-the-art speaker cable using an all PTFE (Teflon) air-tube construction and a trio of helixed Rectangular Solid Core® conductors. Each channel uses 144 Rectangular Solid Core® conductors with a total gauge size greater than a 6-gauge conductor, together with the high frequency extension and linearity of a 32-gauge conductor. This cable provides exceptional performance and high current carrying capability. The 0.3 Speaker Cable has tremendous bass weight and authority, with a neutral and revealing mid-range, together with warmth and airy detail that is not found in other audio cables.
•BSM (1/4” spades & bananas)
•144 RSC Gen 2 conductor per channel
•8+ gauge conductor runs
•Positive/negative run for each channel
•Positive/negative conductor runs are 72 conductors each
•Extremely transparent and neutral
•Midrange and vocals are life-like with realism and presence
•Increased sense of warmth and richness
•Vivid and detailed imagery
This is the all NEW matching interconnect to the NEW 0.3 speaker cables, this cable model has been on the market less than a year! The 0.3 w/HFX - 1.0m3.3ft

Extended Bandwidth - Interconnect

The 0.3 is a state-of-the-art analog interconnect cable using an all PTFE (Teflon) air-tube construction and a pair of helixed Rectangular Solid Core conductors. The extended Bandwidth technology is employed using a product design that has a perfect air-dielectric environment and minimal dielectric construction to extend the high-frequency bandwidth to provide a linear and uncompromising approach to the sound of the interface. A complex system of braided shielding made of pure copper and silver is used to control the RF and EMI interference. The shield is part of a specially designed Floating Shield System, where the shield floats at both ends of the interconnect cable. The floating shield is connected at the source end, to the HFX Floating Ground Station. The Floating Ground Station uses Ceralex devices internally to absorb and dissipate RF and EMI interference in the shield. This is done outside the signal path, and so the 0.3 Interconnect with an ‘out-board’ Floating Ground Station does not affect the high-frequency signal within the signal carrying conductors.

The 0.3 with the Floating Ground Station is designed for component interface of all extreme high-end audio components, but not always for electronics that have limited filtering. The sound of the 0.3 OnBoard Interconnect is tonally balanced, very linear with frequency, extended and airy in the high frequencies and very revealing.
•RCA “Torque-lock”/XLR
•All new, fine tolerance construction
•All Teflon air-dielectric spacers and center air tube
•Twin-axial design features RSC Gen 2 conductors using Aero-PE dielectric
•Anti-corrosion coated SAOF-8N copper shield
•Finely tuned frequency response ensures greater frequency linearity and phase coherency
•Very revealing of low-level ambient and spatial cues with exacting focus
•Extremely open & detailed
•Clear & precise , tonally coherent frequency spectrum
•New resonance control dielectric produces vanishingly low noise floor