Springsteen "Live in Hyde Park" dvd

Watched the BluRay version two nights ago. Amazing performance by a 60 year old man with nothing left to prove. Easily the best concert DVD he has put out.
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Ditto on Metralla's comments about "great music, but crappy sound". From a sound quality perspective, the Boss's recordings have been a huge disappointment!
I just picked this up today, so far I think it's the best Bruce DVD to date. I think the sonics on this DVD are outstanding.
I agree about the sonics of the Hyde Park Blu-Ray, and of much of Springsteen's recordings. Magic in particular is simply awful! Incredibly compressed and harsh sounding. I don't understand the comments about The Rising, however. Certainly not audiophile quality, but really quite good for a rock record - IMHO.
Ah, I should have checked.

I was referring to the two most recent Springsteen releases and I meant "Magic" and "Working on a Dream". Sorry. Thanks for picking me up.

No problem and you're welcome, Metralla. I personally think that Working on a Dream sounds better than Magic, but, unfortunately, it's still not anywhere near as good as it could be. I sometimes wonder if at least these two records could be re-done without the compression. I can imagine many people would purchase them again. I know I would.

Have you listened to Darkness on the Edge of Town? Interestingly, that gets some criticism sonically in some circles - and Springteen said they over-sang and under-played on it - but THAT has dynamics.