Which SACD sound better than Vinyl

I have experienced that some SACD sound better than good vinyl.

Your thoughts on this subject,and experience on some SACD
would be appreciated.

I would agree SACD's done well are great.
SACD's not done well stink.
I have several of both.
This makes it hard to spend the extra money on SACD's.
DVD-A's are a crap shoot too.
I do not have any SACD's that sound better than vinyl.
Vinyl has its problems too though.
It's true that SACDs have the potential to sound much better than red book CDs, however the very best RBCDs generally sound better than mediocre SACDs. Exceptional SACDs are much better than even the best RBCDs. As an example for anyone who doubts this try the Blue Coast Collection, The E.S.E Sessions, a hybrid SACD from 2007. Beyond that, you might try recordings made with the Grimm Audio AD1 analog to digital converter, such as the Mahler 4th from Channel Classics ( CC generally does a good job with their SACDs ). As far as sounding better than vinyl, I think vinyl advocates would say nothing sounds better than vinyl. However, I think that as of this year we now have the technology and general knowledge to make digital recordings that do sound as good as vinyl, and even better in some ways. Unfortunately, most recording labels are behind the technology curve and, even worse, do not put the effort into making high quality recordings most of the time. For that we only have ourselves to blame because if the market demanded it, we would have it. I could recommend many other SACDs however, I do not know your taste in music.
Yes, I have some SACD's that sound better then their vinyl counterparts. Miles Blue comes to mind as just one example of the SACD being better. I think the future is Blu-Ray audio. Sony had promised earlier this year that Miles Blue would be the their first blu. Still waiting. It appears that Sony got sidetracked with the mega Miles reissue for $1.2K. Marketing suits told them to hold off the blu ray as it would interfere with the mega promotion.
once your sytem has reached a certain level of resolutions,You would realize that the Quality of the recordings and where it is pressed is perharps more important than the medium itself....That is why it comes to no surprise that SACD done correctly could surpass vinyl