Worst record ever?

I had the misfortune of spotting Sarah Vaughan's "Songs of the Beatles" at my local record store and, intrigued, I bought it since it was only $2. I'm still traumatized a few hours after listening to it; who and why would ever release a record that bad? I love Sarah as a jazz singer but her rendition of the Beatles' songs is absolutely atrocious. I just can't believe someone made a decision to actually release it.
Bo Donaldson & The Heywoods - Billy Don't Be a Hero (not just a single. There (gulp) was an album)

I strongly disagree!

Not only is Bo Donaldson's "Billy Don't Be a Hero" NOT the worst record ever, it's not even the worst recording of that song. That honor, IMHO, goes to Paper Lace. It is, however, a close call - so props to you, anyway. Certainly one of the worst songs ever to come down the pike.

"Anything by Loverboy. I had a girlfriend in the early 80s who played them over and over. Now if I hear them it makes me want to climb the clock tower with a rifle."

Biffrythm is it Loverboy or what it reminds you of?

Sarah Vaughn singing the Beatles? Something doesn't jive with that matchup. I can't imagine nor do I want to.

Anyone remember Kenny Rankin's "Because of You" released on Chesky back in the 80's? Great audiophile stuff, good sound little music. I play it to unsuspecting listeners as a goof. This guy is bad. He must have been a good friend of David Chesky but then again a lot of the Chesky original stuff was cut from the same cloth.

Viridian tell me you're kidding about Pat Boone, you are kidding, right?