12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus

Rather interesting info here. Says a lot about popular culture.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat
So, the music scene in most of our opinions has gone cheesy. Although I have to agree I don't know what to say about it.
It is what it is and nothing can change it. It's simply evolution. I have no choice but to accept it.
But we don't have to like it!
on a more positive note, A Great one you may have missed on CD:

Telemann & The Baroque Gypsies
Ensemble Caprice
Matthias Maute

Analekta Label AN 2 9919
It clears the mind and washes the spirit in beauty,enobling the human spirit to embrace truth, compassion and love,in the religious meaning of that,in a
manner and to a degree nothing else can.
Great description of the power of art, but I'm not sure it's true, at least universally so. Germany is the central nation regarding classical music. Germany produced Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Wagner and Mahler, yet Germany also produced Nazism and the final solution. Classical music was championed by the government as an example of German greatness during the Nazi regime. Being awash in the beauty of the human spirit doesn't stop some people from starting genocidal war.
I have great appreciation for classical music but claims of its innate superiority do bring up in my mind some nasty historical facts associated that would seem to contradict any claims of associated purity of spirit.