Speaker Footers and Amp stands

I'm wondering if there are 'worthwhile' advantages to placing floorstanding speakers onto stands, braces, outrigger etc, sorts of devices. sonically?

...and are amp stands always weight and type, specific or not?

Like having an amp stand for a 100lb SS amp and then using it for a 80-90lb tube amp... or is the diffs so large as to indicate another amp stand when getting another amp?

As some I've seen have a range of wieght and non-specific as to type, I'd sure hate to have to change stands out with amps too, as I am thinking about getting one.
I'm gonna have to look them over more. What I'm seeing doesn't make much sense.... a container with little mushy pebbles in it? Is that what these are?
Yes, put crudely that is what they are. Don't worry if it makes sense or not, just try them and listen. My guess is that you don't understand how your TV, computer or local nuclear power station work, but you still use them. But you could probably study some physics and come to understand them as they don't use any revolutionary theories or technology. Its low tech and it works.

They are better than the highly regarded Grand Prix gear in my system, and if you don't like them you are free to get a full refund.