Mac / Airport Express question

Would this be a good / workable signal chain?
IMac to Airport express to Toslink to DA section of a CA840c to rest of system via balanced?
I would use Itunes/ Apple lossles. I read in some of the helps that the Airport Express transmits in Apple Lossless, anyway.
I'll be out of the Windows 'business' in a few weeks. forever.
Yes, that should work. I currently run a similar setup: IMac to Airport Express to Empirical Audio Pace-Car 2 to the DA section of my Audio Aero Capitol CDP.

The Empirical Audio Pace-Car 2 reclocks the signal and removes all jitter. See Empirical Audio's website for more info on the Pace Car / AE combo.

Let me know if you are interested in purchasing my Pace Car 2 & Airport Express. I bought it new from Empirical Audio last November. Between my new tuner (Magnum Dynalab MD-108) and my recently retubed Audio Aero CDP, I don't listen much to computer audio.
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