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Found 71 results

 Amplification for Shahinian Obelisks?
my newly-bought second-hand Obelisks overhauled at Shahinian...I listen mostly to acoustical ...
 Performer-in-Room Quality with Speakers?
I want an illusion of the performer (acoustic instrument...(For the record I've owned Maggie...
 Sonus Faber Grand Piano Homes - What next??
CallistoGallo Reference III'sDali Tyler Acoustics...Hyperion AudioShahinian ObeliskGradient
 has anyone heard the arp reflective boards?
hifi for years, lastly coming on board with room acoustics...drt xv-1s, dynavector L300 pream...
 Good amplifer match for Pass X1?
I have Shahinian Diapason speakers, so the amp has...Music is a broad mix: acoustic, electric...