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 Miyajima Shilabe with Shindo preamp ?
The Thomas Schick, SME M2-12R, and Ortofon RS-309D
 Advice on an external Phono stage
Westinghouse 7581A's)Garrard 301 turntable Thomas...Schick 12" tonearmCartridges are a Zu Aud...
 Thorens TD 145 MK 1 ; How Many Tonearm Options Are There?
that would also fit nicely, like an Origin Live or a Thomas...Schick tonearm.
 Concerned about my MIDAS shell 103R transplant
I followed Thomas Schick's Youtube guide to removing
 Tonearm lift
Moreover it seems that Thomas Schick tonearm
 Tell me about Thales TTT compact turntable
I will rather use a Fidelity Research Fr64s or a Thomas...Schick 9" tonearm.
 PSB Imagine 2 (or 3) vs Acostic Zen Adagios vs Golden Ear Triton One vs ???
turntable to a PTP Solid 12 idler drive turntable with a Thomas...Schick tonearm and a Denon ...