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 Thanks for the Help
The speakers were bought at a local Vienna dealer....Accuphase C-275V Preamp Accuphase DP-75V...
 Aerial 7bs or Proac Response 2.5?
7b, and 6s, with the Sonus Faber Grand Pianos and Vienna...Acoustics Beethoven to come.
 Well Rounded Speakers $2500-$3000?
Eggleston Fontaine II's, Von Schweikert VR4Jr's, Vienna...Acoustic's Beethovens, etc...
 Optimal Speaker Placement
I am using Vienna Acoustics Mahler speakers which are
 Best preamp for a Threshold T400/ VA Beethoven
I'm keeping my Vienna Acoustic Beethovens and the Threshold
 How to calculate freight class for speaker shippin
Here are the calculations:Two Vienna Acoustic
 Best phono preamp for Dynavector 20XL
I have a VTL TL5.5, VTL ST150, Vienna Acoustics
 Naim CD5i a decent upgrade?
integrated amplifier, Primare D20 cd player, and Vienna...Acoustics Bach speakers.
 New system, need help on CD Player.
I am looking to upgrade my current Vienna Acoustic