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 Stupidgood: Ars Sonum
(Mr. von Merlin) describing the Ars Sonum integrated...ARC, Joule, LAMM, and CAT, and I can t...
 Upgrade to ARS-Sonum
Would there be a significant upgrade to go to the ARS-Sonum
I am considering purchasing the new amps coming out soon and I wanted to know how people woul...
 Ars Sonum/SBAM hook-up
Just got my Ars Sonum today and it sounds fabulous.... SBAM output to input 2Set Ars to input...
 Ars Sonum Filarmonia and cable length.
I plan on having long IC's and short speaker cables as I think the other way 'round looks goo...
 Ars Sonum / Merlin TSM-MX???
Anybody running this combo. Would apreciate some comments!Thank you in advance.
 Question for Merlin VSM/ARS Sonum owners
wellI would like to know what you have before ARS...Sonum and your commentsTIAThuan
 Speakers to pair with the Ars Sonum Filarmonia tube
What speakers pair especially well with the Ars Sonum
 Review: Ars Sonum Filarmonia SE Tube amp
Sonum, paired with the Merlin VSM-MME, has such a...Sonum sounds with other speakers (I have ...
 Did you wait more than a year for an Ars Sonum?
Has anyone waited more than a year for an Ars Sonum
 To ARS Sonum/Merlins owners - Which CD player ?
Hi all,Since we have pretty much same set up (Filarmonia + Merlin)What is your best digital f...
 Ars Sonum w Merlin MMs?
Anyone have any head to head listening experience?