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Found 26 results

 Early 00's Songs Faber Concertinos - Amp recommendations
Currently have Dayens Ampino Mono's and sometimes
 Sonus Faber Concertino - Seeking Amp Recommendations
Currently have Dayens Ampino Mono's and sometimes
 Want to enhance my Audio system, need suggestions
br>System2: Tekton 4.5single driver monitors + Dayens...Omega Super6 XRS/Hoyt-Bedford Type...
 Impedance matching between 2k ohm phono pre and 100k ohm amps via passive pre
2k ohms output) through a passive preamp into two Dayens
 50 hours of research = 1 amp for Totem Sttaf
Solid States -- Nait, Rega, NAD, Bryston, Dayens