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 Techflex on speaker cable: sonic impact?
especially as regards my home audio system - can I expect sonic
 Sonic Impact Super-t Amplifier
Has anyone tried the Super T amp ?For $160 ($140 web) I was thinking of given it a try and us...
 Greatest sonic impact: cables or ICs
Which has the greater impact on sound speaker cables
 Sonic impact: Step-up/down transformers
Just curious of your opinions on what sonic impact,
 Lowdown on Sonic Impact Class T amp
1. Is this thing for real? 39$ and not a bad review that I can find?2. What exactly is its use?
 Sonic Impact T-Amp giant killer?
I did a search and didn't find anything...have you folks heard about the $30 wonder?http://ww...
 What Speakers to Use with Sonic Impact T-Amp?
making a system to play around with based on the Sonic...Impact T-Amp.
 I'm blown away by the Sonic Impact tripath amp.
There is no boom but a tight, well controlled impact
 dac chip vs analog stage as to sonic impact
when buying a cd player or dac, which has more impact
 Amp or Pre-Pro / What makes a bigger sonic impact?
I have a Monitor Audio Gold Reference speaker system that I am currently running off a HK DPR...
 Has anyone tried using two Sonic Impact amps?
One to drive each speaker.ThanksPete
 Next Sonic Impact?
I just bought a pair. Supposedly a guy from the Connecticut Audio Society bought a pair for h...
 Omega Super 3 or Axiom M22Ti on Sonic Impact T-Amp
I already bought the Sonic Impact T-Amp after reading
 Will Sonic Impact T amp work w/ original Quad ESL?
Does anyone know if I can use a T amp with original Quads or will I destroy it trying? Thanks...