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Found 35 results

 Vicoustic room treatments?
One product I am intrigued by is Vicoustic because...Anyway, does anyone have experience with...
 VICOUSTIC Room Treatments...experiences?
How do you like the Vicoustic Treatments and which...The Vicoustics, according to what I've j...
 Securing Vicoustic Diffusors to my sheet rock wall/
I just received my 6 pack of these in black. I have propped them up on a low wood board to ge...
 Beautiful Vicoustic's flagship Wavewood panels for
Not in my room yet, but definitely the most beautiful acoustic treatment i’ve ever seen. Wave...
 CORK: Diffuse or Absorb?
I just bought a Vicoustic diffusion panel, the Multi-fusor
 Help me spend my money
1st reflection points on side walls and ceiling - Vicoustic