
Responses from abstract7

Hanging Audio Rack?
Jadem6 asks a very good question. I'll give you what I've done--is it the best--no. I have a concrete slab with standard 2x4 framing. The audioroom floor is a floating (pergo) floor with an oriental rug covering 3/4 of it. All audio racks are buil... 
Best Pressing Recommendations Please
The classic records is definitely one of the best. Try to get the 45 RPM re-issue if you can. They are much better than the 33 RPM (which are already excellent). Kind of Blue and Sketches of Spain were issued at 45 RPM (Kind of Blue was a hybrid--... 
Bi-amp with same sort of amp?
I have actually used amps to compensate for slew rates damping factors etc. I'm biamping Martin Logan Monoliths with Levinson Reference 20.0 monoblocks on top. They are what I would call "dark" amps. Very smooth, very refined--relatively low dampi... 
Hanging Audio Rack?
What you need is a stable rack that is free from vibrations. Hanging from the ceiling has two potential problems. The first is the length that you are hanging which will determine a low frequency oscillation--generally outside the audible frequenc... 
I'm going to guess you have 8 foot ceilings (2.5 M), which would be good. If you have 3.3 meter ceilings that can create a problem for you as it is the same as one of your other dimensions. Greg suggestions are correct--get a rug--a remnant area r... 
Where to buy "Heat Shrink Tubing" ?
Radioshack, Newark or Allied Electronics will have it. If you need really large tubing you will need to go to Newark or Allied. Radioshack will sell the smallest quantity. 
Pink noise and pop from Levinson 333 amp
I would disconnect your pre-amp cables to the amp, then turn it on. If either of these problems persist when the pre-amp is not connected you should send the amp back to Levinson. My guess is the pop will still be there--I am not sure about the hi... 
Replacing Jumpers = Bi-wiring??
Upgrading the stock jumpers will make an improvement, but not as much as bi-wiring in most cases. It is speaker and amplifier dependent, but the theory behind biwire is that the speaker cable resistance reduces interaction between the high and low... 
Very good DAC with volume control output
Levinson #39, while it's both a DAC and player, it has a very good volume control that is purely in the analog domain. 
High ceilings and hardwood floors
Actually, Doug28450 that is correct for a full wavelength--but a half wavelength is a node as well--so 35Hz is going to be a problem. It is very difficult to correct that with acoustic treatment. I have hardwoods and an 11 foot ceiling. A nice ori... 
Cables length ?
One other reason to buy cables of equal length--resale value if you want to upgrade down the road. You won't find many buyers for different length cables--and if you do the price will probably be very low. 
Audioquest Diamondbacks -- HELP --
You do need to give them longer to burn in, but after 40 hours they should have tamed down a bit. I think STang500 thinks you have Diamond interconnects--which were Audioquest (truth) top of the line before the new line. The Diamondbacks are a mor... 
klipsch heresy, please be critical
I owned a pair of Heresey's--the originals not the IIs. I liked the originals much better than the IIs. These speakers are dynamic and tonally neutral with the exception of the roll off on the the high (above 17kHz) and low (below 35Hz). The weakn... 
cones vs electrostats
I switched from horn to electrostatics. Horns are very dynamic, but the ones I had were poor on imaging. I love the electrostatics and would not go back--but they aren't for everyone. As with most things--there are compromises. For one, they are n... 
Hello? ? ? ? Is Anybody Home ?? ?
Battery consumption is definitely an issue. Sound quality should be very good with the headroom amps. They have a very high incoming impedance--so those lousy op amps aren't really doing anything--sure they do degrade a little bit, but let's face ...