
Responses from adman227

Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblock amplifier
Pairing with a VTL 2.5 pre-amp. If they're out in the open, how hot are we talking at moderate sound levels? 
Whose got best class D at this point?
Thank you "Hens" for taking the time to explain this is great detail. Much appreciated. Regards. 
Whose got best class D at this point?
I know this is a real novice question, but what exactly does class D mean, compared to Class A?What type of amp is a Rotel 200 watt?Bryston 4B SST?Mac252 ?I also here something about certain amps playing to a specific level at Class A, then A/B? W... 
VTL TL2.5 Preamp
Rootman, Thanks. Can you pls describe the maggie 3.6 specifics. What are they known for? Also, the DNA amp.Thanks. 
VTL TL2.5 Preamp
just brought the 2.5 home, hooked up, and playing. You guys were right, thanks :)Clarity also seems remarkable, coming from my Rotel pre-amp! 
Who's Your Favorite Bass Players; Why?
Jaco Pastorius 
VTL TL2.5 Preamp
How would this amp pair with either a Bryston 4B SST or Mac252 amp, and Focal-JM Labs 800 series speakers?Thanks.