
Responses from aural_grat

GamuT M230 Mono Amps - Anyone have a pair?
The amps have departed mu posession with no additional information to share.  In spite of promises, nobody who represented Gamut ever followed up with any helpful information. 
Gamut Speakers....Anyone? Hello?
L7s were my primary speaker for about 6 years until I replaced them with YG.  I also owned the L3.  Impressive speakers, both.  The L7s are a bit difficult to place properly with their dual ported bass but once you dial them in they present a rewa... 
GamuT M230 Mono Amps - Anyone have a pair?
I'm posting this just in case this ever comes up so somebody won't have to do the leg work I went through.  As best as I can determine, what was sold in the USA as M230 was a prototype to the M230 released in limited numbers in Europe which were a... 
GamuT M230 Mono Amps - Anyone have a pair?
Thanks for your response, Bill.  I sent you an email with details.  Quite a coincidence to have another pa8r of M230 listed right now!  I've been corresponding with that fellow and hoping to get photos of his amp innards.  His have M230 decals.  I... 
GamuT M230 Mono Amps - Anyone have a pair?
TJASSOC,You missed that I said I purchased them new.  I didn't want to respond until I gave the folks at GamuT a couple more days.  They not only didn't respond to my 2nd email, they didn't respond to an audio associate of mine who knows them pers... 
GamuT M230 Mono Amps - Anyone have a pair?
For what it's worth, these supposed M200s (according to GamuT) somehow grew an extra couple very large capacitors per amp.  M200s only have 2.  I'd still like to hear from anybody who has a pair or is familiar with them, though.