
Responses from banyon100

Amp for Harbeth P3ESR
Either a Naim Nait XS or the new, soon to appear, Naim UnitiQute would be a good match for less money than the Uniti.The Qute is basically a Uniti without a CD player and a little less power. 
Tift Merrit on tour
One of my favorites..... Hope to catch her show.I am also enjoying her new album. BTW, her DVD from years ago is good and almost audiophile quality. 
What is Musicality?
My personal and real world example:Audiophile System - I go maniacally from CD to CD and track to track to hear how cool the bass sounds or how brassy the trumpet sounds........Musical System - I start the same process and am so captivated by the ... 
Amp for Gershman Avant Garde
At CES this year I heard Gershman speakers with both VAC and Manley Labs amps with outstanding results. 
The Harbeth phenomenon
Just heard back from LeBron and Paul....... They both said go with LCD Panels. The specs on LED are too ordinary. 
The Harbeth phenomenon
I'm always amused when I hear the "conventional wisdom" that Harbeth speakers are only for British grandmas listening to chamber quartets. Some of the most exciting and memorable music I have ever heard was the Rolling Stones played on a Naim/Harb... 
West Coast Jazz?
Stan Getz would be my favorite from that era. Start with Getz meets Mulligan in Hi-Fi. Maybe not his best album but a good intro to "West Coast Jazz" The album is from 1957Have fun.... 
Dynamics at lower volumes?
Harbeth and Naim 
Which purchase tipped you into nirvana.
My Well Tempered Labs Amadeus turntable 
Apple TV vs. Apple Mini
If your TV has an RGB connection you can use an Apple DVI to RGB converter plus RGB cable to connect. If not, you can use a DVI to HDMI cable or converter to connect. In either case you will have to use a separate audio cable as the HDMI will not ... 
Apple TV vs. Apple Mini
The Mac Mini is a lot more flexible and offers a lot more options - it is a real computer that is easy to connect to a TV and stereo. The ATV is a wonderful media device that gets no respect. It is basically a big iPod that connects to the home TV... 
Has anyone heard or tried the new Naim Dac?
I am picking up a new Naim DAC tomorrow and will report back after I get some experience at home with it. I am also trying out a Supernait with my Harbeth C7ES3 speakers. Does anyone else have the same speaker/amp combo?Thanks 
Quick poll How long have you been in this hobby?
Since the 1960's..... I used to stay up late, looking at the Radio Shack catalog, dreaming of the system I was going to buy when I grew up. 
SHOW attendees: please post speaker reports here
Here were my favorites:1) Vandersteen 7 - very clean and brought the music to life2) Audio Note AN-E/SPe HE - very musical and addictive3) Studio Electic T3 - very dynamic and fun, blew many, more expensive speakers away4) YG Acoustics Kipod - bre... 
Best sounding cd in your collection
1) Alison Krauss and Union Station - Live (SACD)2) Stan Getz - Cafe Montmartre3) (Tie) Mark Knopfler - Shangri-La.... Keb' Mo' - Suitcase