

Responses from benjaminwebber

Paul Weitzel from Tube Research Labs
I just discovered this thread.  I am imressed that many others had the same wonderful experience that I did!  I really miss him too. 
The best CD Player for the money
I have a Sony CD Player, modified by Tube Research Labs (TRL), and could not be happier. It has a very palatable presentation, yet the resolution is amazing. The bass goes to beyond believable, yet is well controlled. The treble is natural and ext... 
Review: TRL/Sony DVP-NS900V SACD/CDP CD Player
I see that I had a typo on the first link I mentioned, and forgot to put the third one in. They are as follows:http://ranger.uta.edu/~iahmad/music.htmlhttp://www.higherfi.com/brainbank/Sincerely,Benjamin Webber 
Review: TRL/Sony DVP-NS900V SACD/CDP CD Player
Mine keeps getting better!I met Paul and Brian (TRL) at an "audio party" at the late Terry Cain's speaker factory in Walla Walla. It was my first time to attend such an event, but I went there in search of knowledge. I had just built my first pair...