
Responses from bluuoff

Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom
Dgad, thanks for your response. I am not sure if TW Acoustic Raven AC will be a good pair with graham now. Any idea? Thanks for sharing. 
Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom
Thanks Sirspeedy. Very encouraging, indeed. 
Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom
Hi..I am about to purchase my new Graham Phantom B44 and would like to know if my current tonearm cable will be suitable. I have a Hovland phono cable with curve din and rca output. If you know this would be workable with my new Graham, please dro... 
Video Scaling Processor/HD-DVD or BluRay
Upscaling is just a simple process. I believe that a dedicated video scaler with its cadence detection and probably, noise reduction feature, will do a much better job than just upscaling the video signal. 
InFocus in 82 vs Sony Vpl VW60
I have sensitive eyes to rainbow and currently using Infocuse 7210. I believe that they are manufacturing good quality products so far. As for the Sony, check out the green color. It's a bit to unnatural. 
Who has the best plasma monitor these days
Hands up for Pioneer Plasma Kuro series. 
Video Question: Plazma or LCD???
I have personally attended the launching of Pioneer Plasma Kuro and I have to admit that, this is the best TV available in the market today. You won't believe what you see because it's so obviously sticking out of the competition. The black level ... 
Best Home Theater sub or subs for a large room
I would recommend Velodyne DD18 to shake your nice room. I have been using it since October last year and literally, my neighbor has reported me of shaking his house at night!