
Responses from bufus

Speaker break in?
4yanx, I would like to try that experiment but I can't bring myself to do it. You do it. 
What would improve the soundstage of my B&W 802s3
I can't answer about the electronics but I was wondering if speaker placement / room acoustics could be hurting your soundstage depth. I found that pulling the speakers further from the rear wall really increases depth. Cardas recommends the dista... 
Help Total Confusion
I have a 57" widescreen TV in the middle of my speakers. My speakers are about 2 feet closer to me than my TV. When I completely cover up my TV with a large sheet of duct board, which is made of 1 inch thick fiberglass, my soundstage becomes more ... 
Any harm in using an amp with the face down
If the top of the amplifier is perforated to allow hot air to escape, you could cause the amp to experience higher internal temperatures than it was designed for???????? 
Speaker break in?
I would like to mention again that I don't think there is ANY mystery to speaker break in. Do yourself an experiment: Go to Best Buy, Circuit City, or Tweeter (they all have 30 day money back guarantees) and buy a pair of decent speakers. If you d... 
Transport loud with SACD?
I had a Sony SCD-C555ES and I could hear the transport during SACD playback, but never in Redbook CD playback. It didn't happen all the time on SACD. When it did, I could usually eject the disc and put it back in to get rid of the noise. Anyway, I... 
Are Capitole and Mephisto recommended components?
Reviews are also for people who live hundreds of miles from dealers who carry the equipment they are interested in. eapos 
MoFi versus new remasters
I've done several comparisons and, on occassion, newer remasters sound better than MoFi. Most of the time, I prefer MoFi. 
Audio as a hobby
I may be an amateur astronomer??? I never miss any eclipses, meteorite showers, etc. Yet, I do not own a telescope. I just enjoy it from eye level. Unfortunately, if I get any money, I'm quick to spend it on audio so there is none left for a teles... 
Audio as a hobby
P.S. I generally don't listen to my home system "passively." In other words, if there are any other distractions in the house or I'm cleaning up, cooking, etc., I don't bother listening. I only fire up the home system when I can dedicate my full a... 
Audio as a hobby
I was a sportbike rider. I had a daughter and sold the bike. I used the money to buy a widescreen high definition television. I was also into Karate/Weightlifting/Jiu-jitsu and then I broke cartlidge and tore my ACL (ligament) in my knee. That pre... 
Stereophile "confirms" Moncrieff's SACD comments ?
Putting conspiracy theories aside, isn't it possible, and obvious, that the new formats are superior formats? They have higher sampling rates and longer word lengths. SACD and DVD-A are superior "formats" by definition. Since we're still at the be... 
Best Concert DVD
DON HENLEY LIVE - INSIDE JOB (Great performance and probably best sounding DVD that I have) 
Stereophile "confirms" Moncrieff's SACD comments ?
Regardless of the specifications, I found the Sony SCD-C555ES SACD player (< $600) sounded great to me, better with SACD than redbook, and better than my Rega Planet. Obviously, an analog setup is going to have poor specs in comparison to CD bu... 
Adcom GFP 750 Power Switches
You must have both power switches on for the preamp to function. Therefore, when the front power switch is off, the preamp will be off. I think they recommend turning the rear power switch off only if you will not be using the preamp for a long pe...