
Responses from cedhz

VTL Tetrode/Triode
So many variables: your speakers, cables, impedance matches, recording quality, musical genre, your personal tastes, I could go on and on. I own the 450's with the 5.5 Pre. At first I kept switching back and forth. Audiophile friends with strong o... 
VTL 5.5 pre-amp tube advice needed.
I agree with replacing the line-stage tubes (12AX7). I struggled with my system suspecting other components,speakers, etc. By serendipity, I came across a matched pair of 12ax7 NOS Mullard equivalents. Needless to say My search is OVER. MAGIC! I s... 
Krell 350mc vs Mark Levinson 336
I am using VTL MB450's and 5.5 Pre with fantastic results.