
Responses from chuckiemon

integrated amp that matches well w/ Soliloquy 5.3s
System set up is pretty plain but here goes.- Rotel RXC 950 receiver- Rotel 975 CD player- Soliloquy 5.3 speakers- Custom speaker cables (silver plated copper cable (6 conductors per run all covered with silver-plated copper braided shield, all co... 
integrated amp that matches well w/ Soliloquy 5.3s
There is a great FM Jazz station that I love to listen so I am currently using my receiver from my college days...Rotel RXC 950. Once in a while I hear some shrillness in horns and/or precussion so I just assumed it was time for a better amp.But b... 
integrated amp that matches well w/ Soliloquy 5.3s
Thanks for all the input so farLet me respond starting from the top. Mrfastguy250aol, I haven't tried cabling. I was saving that as a tweak once i had completed a successful upgrade and was looking for that last little bit to get me where I want t...