

Responses from cjs

Is Kinergetics Research Out of Business?
It's true, they're gone. 
Is Kinergetics Research Out of Business?
Hi Rick, I heard they've been real busy. I don't think they're gone. 
what isolation under tt,cd ?
I'll sell you some Vibrapod Isolators that cost a heck of a lot less and I'll bet they work as well.Maybe better. And they come with a 30 day money back guarantee. WWW.CJSAUDVID.COM 
where can I get iec connector for dvd pl
Contact Art at Twisted Pair Designs TPD@valstar.net I'm sure he can help you. Tell him Craig sent you. He'll take good care of you and can construct a cable with the finest materials. Check their site at www.twisted-pair-design.com 
What is the best digital interconnect
The best cable that I have tested to date is the Twisted Pair Designs Dfn Digital. It's been compared to the Iluminati D-60 and everybody that hears it says it's better. You can try it for 30 days and if you don't like it they'll refund your money... 
Anyone With Exposure to Chiro Amps?
The Chiro amps are nice. I use the C-200 for my rear channels and Kinergetics 3 channel KBA-380 amps for the front. The difference in the amps is the output stage. The only problem I had with the Chiro amp (c-200 and c-300) was they wouldn't work ...