
Responses from coryjb

How do SVS subwoofers compare to REL?
In-home trial until you can come to your own conclusion. Both companies you've mentioned will work with you on making sure you're getting what you want even if it isn't their product. I just sent back to SVS their SB-2000 in favor of an Hsu ULS-15... 
Looking to upgrade my preamp, suggestions?
Classe CP-800. Loving mine. So versatile and it gets out of the way of the music. Doesn't have a "sound", so if that's what you like it's a good investment.  
Most coherent low volume speaker with very fast bass under 10k used?
Some used or demo DeVores. A friend has the Orangutan 0/96 and they are not screaming speakers, they seem better suited for low-level listening.