
Responses from crashb4

If your system were a car!
Yenko Nova. 427 aluminum block 4 speed. Feel the rumble of power and hear the scream of the tires. True exhilaration when allowed to be set loose. Music should be felt as well as heard. Adcom GFA-5800 into Polk SDA SRS. 
Tom Petty: It was an "accidental" OD
My spinal fusion occurred nearly nine years ago. I spent a decade prior seeing doctors with intermittent back issues. I was always told after x-rays that the problem was muscular, given pain meds and muscle relaxers, and sent on my way. Less than ... 
Which server / renderer to buy?
+ 1 for the Rpi, I2s dac and Rune. Sounds better than my OPPO with optical interface. By all accounts, dirt cheap, Give it a try guys. Costs less than a single quality cable termination.