

Responses from czbbcl

Looking for speaker recommendations for CJ Premier 11A
Focal would be a good match for the cj 11a as they are fairly efficient with a resonable impedance curve. 
Getting into tubes
Cary Audio SLI-80 or if you want Single Ended Triode Cary CAD300SEI.  Both are Point to Point wired and you can tube roll to your hearts content.  
Shipping out of country.
I have and have not had any issues Europe, England & Austrailia. 
Iphone 7 as a source
You could try an Audiengine B1 Bluetooth muscic streamer. They have a 30day return policy if you don't like it. I have one and I stream internet radio from my Samsung Tablet and it works and sounds very good. Pretty surprising actually.https://aud... 
Which preamp for a pass labs?
mizioa you are most welcome and glad I could help. Chuck  
Tube Amp Questions
I would suggest a Pass X..5 or .8  series amplifier size would depend on budget. Thiels like current and need to be feed properly to sound their best. Chuck  
Which preamp for a pass labs?
I would suggest Pass  either an xp10 or 20 would be a perfect match. As for cables I am using these and they are excellent regardless of price.https://www.dysonaudio.com/collections/facemeltersEnjoy the musicChuck  
Integrated amp for Focal Aria 948 speakers? SS or tube
I have a pair of 1008Be's that were powered by a Cary SLI-80 and then a Pass INT30.  The Cary was fun rolling tubes in and out. The Pass was a better amp much more dynamic. I liked the Pass so much that I moved up their line to a pair of xa100.5's... 
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000
I also suggest the Herron VTPH-2.  I have NOS Telefunkens in mine and it sounds wonderful. Plus Keith will let you try it in your system for 30 days only had to pay shipping if I decided to return it; obviously I didn't.Chuck  
Why not a Pass XP10 or 20 ? 
AR ES-1 Transport Bolt Needed
Hi Have you tried this person?http://vinylnirvana.com/vintage-turntables-for-sale/Chuck 
Herron Audio VTPH-2A Question
Yes it would I use a Benz Micro Wood SL with a VPI Classic One Table. Keith will let you audition the VTPH-2 for like 30 days just have to pay shipping to and fro if you return it.Chuck 
Herron Audio VTPH-2A Question
I own the Herron and have not heard the Manley.  The Herron is very neutral sounding and accurate. I would not describe it as harsh or warm. I listen primarily to Classical and Female Jazz vocals. Also I use NOS Telefunkens in my VTPH-2 and felt i... 
Conrad Johnson--Best used Model
Been one my whole life ! 1) I moved away from cj separates to downsize to a Cary Integrated which was fine for awhile but I kept having issues with power tubes. I decided to try some Pass components and that is where I am today. Also speaker chang... 
Conrad Johnson--Best used Model
GO PACKERS! (Shareholder) From the cj older house sound the 17 and 16 are both very nice the 16 a bit more detailed. Experienced both pre-amps driving cj tube and ss amps.  I now use pass xa100.5's mated with a pass xp-20 and it is a very good mat...