
Responses from danvetc

Harbeth C7- Tube or solid state power?
Mark, down the road you might consider a subwoofer. I use an M&K MX 700 with my C7s and it gives me all the pedals on an organ beautifully. Stand tweaking is not the answer.Charlie 
What song says something about you?
I'm a Melancholy Man, that is what I am...Moody Blues 
What song says something about you?
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble, when your perfect in every way. I can't wait to look in the mirror, I get better lookin' each day....some say that I'm egotistical. Hell, I don't even know what that means. I guess it must have somethin' to do with... 
Can I get "Great" used speakers for $1800??
Harbeth Compact 7ES-II. 
Harbeth C7- Tube or solid state power?
Paul always gives good advice, but he got a little ahead of himself here. He forgot to tell us that we should put the kitty litter in the freezer first.Also, I recommend that you use the clumped kitty litter. (As a veterinarian, I have a large sup... 
Burning in of Power Cords
Put it in the freezer, second shelf from the bottom, if you have a side by side. Be sure to roll the pc clockwise and have the connectors at the 3 and 9 o'clock postition.If you have a top unit, you can put it in the center if, and only if, you fa... 
Room Acoustics--Stereophile Soapbox
Rives, don't you know all you need to do is change your interconnects and speaker cable? Gee wiz, man, don't you read the posts here? [:)]Charlie 
The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?
Amen, brother Bomarc.BTW, Twl, I care as much as anyone here about the faithful reproduction of music. As I attend many concerts each year, I have live music to compare my system to. I listen very carefully, and converse with many people who do as... 
Advice on outboard DAC using DVD as transport
Second Sugarbrie suggestions. 
The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?
What? You mean the Emperor has no clothes? 
Want More Bass
Amen, Rsbeck. The suggestion is ridiculous. 
Suggestions for toslink cable?
Hello,I have used 3 different toslink cables between my DVD player and Bel Canto DAC, and I did not notice a difference...they all sounded fine. They ranged in price from $25 to $150. The Acoustic Research is the cheaper one, and I don't think you... 
Yoiks, I'm amplifier confused.
What is "wrong" with the Bryston? What sound "change" are you looking for? (Do you find your speakers a little tizzy on the cybals?)Classical and Jazz...you sound like a Harbeth speaker man. You could get the Compact 7ES-II for your refund check a... 
The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?
Interconnects can cause shifts in microdynamics which will result in a change in sound. But it is a funny way to go for tone control, unless you have a lot of money and time and like to fiddle with things. People get into this hobby for a lot of d... 
Anybody stop using power conditioning?
I sold my Blue Circle conditioner. Never noticed a difference. It did look cool, though. Probably snake oil, or maybe I have clean power from the wall and did not need it.Charlie