
Responses from dcfis

Active studio monitors anyone?
Active studio monitors anyone?
Man those psi floorstanders look the business and would be a perfect audiophile crossover product. Pretty expensive though 
Active studio monitors anyone?
Thank you @bob 
Active studio monitors anyone?
inna please do not bring non sequiturs and negativity into a thread you have no interest in.  
Active studio monitors anyone?
Yes, Neumann 310 is what Im eyeing if this works out. I love midrange domes and those look great. Can you elaborate on the strong rec for a 3 way? 
Active studio monitors anyone?
some would be total control, some will be focused dispersion, all will have woofer/tweeter control adjustments and shelf filters ect. Remember the specification is for a small converted office. This situation is different than a farfield setup.  
Active studio monitors anyone?
Agree and the approach I have taken in the past. Still you need Amps, Dacs, cables and the whole stack of boxes plus you still have limited or no control over room acoustics and implementation.  
I would like impressions of Tekton Lore and Lore S
What is the low level dynamics and tone like for lower level listening compared to when the volume is up?