

Responses from dekay

Best of value-based systems
Hi SD. I am new to this forum, Sluggo also ticked me off a while back. I got over it and have to admit that I find his slash and burn posts pretty funny most of the time. I am also a die hard potlicker whether it be the purchase of a car, a bottle... 
Best of value-based systems
So much for music taming the savage breast. 
Hi Danz: These speakers are discontinued as you probably know. They were still selling them at a California chain called Circut City about a year ago, but they are most likely all gone by now. You can read reviews on them at audioreview.com if you... 
My wife is so uncool!
Tml2 - Your advice worked. My wife is losing some of her fear of the new stereo and is using it on her own when I am out - getting involved. A couple of days ago she mentioned that some of her CD's sounded kind of "tinny". I asked her to play some... 
Tired of same ol' CD'd...
Here are some great oddball CD's. Paul Winter and Friends "Celtic Solstice", 1999 Earth Music Productions, is recorded at St. Johns Cathedral NY with bagpipes and everything. "Kepa Junkera Bilbao" is available at Alula.com and is a double CD of Ba... 
Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green
Between Peter Green and Clapton my vote would be for Clapton. I have seen them both many times. I was at an original FM concert where they played with Savoy Brown, both bands grouped together for a 90 minute encore of straight blues. I lost count ... 
Used speakers
I think that I would go for a used pair of ADS "large" bookshelfs in your situation. There are many two way models that were made from the 70's into the 80's, just make sure that they have rubber surrounds. The three way models are more expensive,... 
Feelings on Napster?
Thank you Sedond, for dissing Johnny Rivers. I feel much less jealous right now. Did you make it to "Secret Agent Man"? 
My wife is so uncool!
Feelings on Napster?
Sedond - Please do not tease me with vinyl. I have not heard Johnny Rivers "Live at the Whiskey" for fifteen years and do not wish to be reminded. 
My wife is so uncool!
Yesterday I upgraded the power cord on our CD player. My wife clearly stated after hearing a few cuts that she heard no difference in the sound. By the end of the CD she had forgotten to close her mouth and her toung dried to her lip, she gets it. 
Cheap Powercords...worth the effort???
I am new the this cord/cable business like yourself. Just (yesterday) I replaced the stock cord on a CAL Ikon MKII with a used Harmonic Tech. Pro II PC ($125.00) and it was well worth it. The CAL now compares favorably to players (with their stock... 
What is your reference?
My ultimate goal is to fool myself that I am either listening to a live performance or listening in on a studio performance. Hearing more detail than was intended or noticed when when preparing the final mix on material is not productive to enjoyi... 
Silver cables - Great price!!
Gallaine - You write a very informative review. I wish that I could express my thoughts as clearly. The sibilance seemed to start dropping out at a little over 200 hours on my pair and was not a problem past 225. I do not know how long you have be... 
Worst Music of All-Time
Wrong thread David99, your breaking in the Homegrown's again aren't you.