
Responses from detlof

Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
Y A W N 
Quality Y connector for a subwoofer?
Try the Cable Company at, explain your problem, tell them what you are using. They are very helpful and knowledgeable. I'm sure they'll find a solution for you. Good Luck. 
Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz
Jostler, an interesting and well reasoned point. Could you give us the source(s) for your "no difference" statement. Not that I doubt you, but I want to read and find out for myself. 
Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz
The only common ground, thanks Katharina by the way, I see evolving, if the "scientists" give us the benefit of the doubt and we are open to experimental verification or falsification of our hypothesising. An approach like that, would do us all a ... 
Top Ten Tube PreAmp of all time?
Sadly, Rcprince, I have to agree with you on all counts. 
Top Ten Tube PreAmp of all time?
Greetings, Rcprince! I commend you on your mnestic powers.Yes its all broken in, except for my ears. I am still of two minds. I find the IO much quieter with a wider and deeper soundstage and a tad better separation between indiviual instruments. ... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
CW London, do you think this Mr. Whitehead is real? Seems rather like a bit of a wag.....but then perhaps he has a Bose system in his Spitfire and a big B&W system in his B-17. Me, I'm a snob, I'd rather be shot down and crash then listen to t... 
Top Ten Tube PreAmp of all time?
Hello Ferrari,Jadis JP80 to draw me into the music, as once the all tube, two chassis Beverdige did in the seventies. JP 200 balanced with the Aesthetix IO phonostage in front has given me the most musical, dynamic and deadquiet vinyl rendering, w... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Pops, you are right, it is sickening. What you forgot to mention is the audio press which also helps to keep the wheels greased. It would all grind to a halt, if consumers would no longer play along. 
Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
J.D. Hear,hear! I remember, long, long ago, when TAS was still innocent and without advertisements, HP ruminating on just this point Steve was bringing up, to wit, that tube's "musical superiority" might be the effect of their inherent lower harmo... 
Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
Stevemj, things percieved often lie behind the eyes of the beholder. 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Come on Redkiwi, don't you apologise, don't be more Brits than those "back home" and please don't continue now with an "understatingingly"- polite attitude. Your posts are wonderfully written and argued and the underlying passion ( a passion we al... 
Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz
I agree with Albert, that with the inherent limitations, experimental setups generally fall under, vis a vis the complexity of the object in question, the only consistent and reliable tool is our pair of ears. Science obviously cannot help us here... 
High End and Classical Music
Koen, to get back to your original question, starting this thread, I would say that for chamber music Quad Electrostats with either first class tubed electronics and top of the line XLO or Purist wires would be your best bet. Jadis comes to mind, ... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Redkiwi, a most erudite, well considered post and a joy to read. Wished I had written it. A sincere thanks..and Jadem, though Jostler surely is able to defend himself, I think you are doing him an injustice. I love this forum, because all my consc...