
Responses from devlep

Like the new look to audiogon ?
What a terrible terrible idea this was. It’s really bad.  
Amp recommendations
Once again, thanks everyone. I still haven’t made a purchase but I have gone up on my budget some.@greginnh I’m not familiar with the brand (which of course isn’t saying much). However, it is rated 180 wpc; will it perform better than the MA8000? ... 
Amp recommendations
I talked to the folks at Mcintosh and they feel their integrateds would be driving the speakers hard and would likely run hot. They recommend going separates with either the MC452 or MC601. Has this been your experience with ML speakers? I looked ... 
Amp recommendations
Thanks everyone for your thoughtful inputs, I am leaning strongly towards one of the SS Mcintosh amps at this point. Pass Labs amps do have very very strong reviews but at passing glance do seem pricier than the Macs. Maybe I'll consider upgrading...