
Responses from doubleugly

Review: S P Technology Revelation MR-l MK lll Speaker
Great review, Teajay. My 2-cents comes a bit late, but I just noticed Ted's link to your review on Audio Circle. FWIW, I've heard the standard crossover Revelations with better supporting electronics and wire (ironically enough, with Ted in Denver... 
Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in
I've owned them for going on 5 years now, and though I'll happily buy the first pair of speakers that better those produced by SP Tech, I don't believe my money will be going anywhere except La Porte, IN.No one speaker is for everyone, but SP Tech... 
SP Tech Revelation III - how good?
(1) Yes, they will fill your space with no problem.(2) I know someone in Denmark who drove them with Butler Audio Monads (hybrid, ~110W/Ch in 8 Ohms) and loved 'em. They were his favorite amp with the Revs for quite a while, but I think he's moved... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
Hi Cleaneduphippy: ... and I certainly would like to hear what Bbchem and Doubleugly thinks of them about six months "down the road" after the "honeymoon" period as worn off. As I've said, I've owned SP Technology speakers for almost 4 years. In f... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
Hi Cleaneduphippy-Hate to say it, but youra and Doubleugly reviews of these speakers comes across to much like hype.No need to hate it; if I were in your place, I'd no doubt feel the same way.To my knowledge, there are only 4 people in the US with... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
I understand, Phasecorrect.Thanks. 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
Hi Mrtennis:I understand and in-part agree with your response to my friend's comment that, "The more you hear, the more you know."I'll only say that we all gain from experience, and I submit that it is actually through deductive reasoning that I'v... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
Mrtennis:...very soft and rounded presentation,...I stand corrected; in light of the above, I do not recommend you seek an audition. Though such a presentation is certainly achievable with SP Technology speakers, I believe an audition would very l... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
Mrtennis - if you ever have a chance to hear one of the Mundorf-based SP Tech offerings, I hope you take advantage and report back. They may not be your cup o' tea, but frankly your repeated points of emphasis make you an ideal candidate for owner... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
.if you have these years from now, that (in of itself)will be the real testimonial.I've owned my Timepieces for almost 4 years. I own other speakers, too, but the SP Techs get the vast majority of play time.As I said in my initial post, I understa... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
Phasecorrect - I'm not sure why you'd think it an "apples vs. oranges" comparison; I think it'd actually be a pretty valid comparison of similar design approaches. I'm a big fan of Roy's work, and have met him couple of times at shows. He's an ter... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
it is a stretch to say they are the best speakers, period.If you're referring to my comments, they were in reference to SP Tech's top-of-the-line speaker, the Revelations. And yes, to my ears, they're the best I've ever heard.Did I miss an "absolu... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
If you're serious, Tarsando, you may have to wait.Response to the Mini has been overwhelmingly positive, so much so that Bob said he needs to stop answering the phone until after the first of the year in order to meet current demand. He's essentia... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
I still own the first pair of Timepiece 2.0s Bob Smith sold outside a 50-mile radius of La Porte, IN, and I believe Duke's analysis of Bob is spot on -He's a very humble yet extremely enthusiastic man, and does his homework with extreme diligence ... 
best all around monitor
SP Technology Timepiece 2.0s. Extremely revealing, yet musical. Not many know about them...yet. Word is getting out, though, and in my opinion it's only a matter of time before they take off like a shot. Here's a link to the manufacturer's website...